Monday, July 28, 2014


  Details of Dispatching Medicine Parcel to your Address anywhere in the World through DHL EXPRESS CARGO SERVICE
PayPal Acceptance Mark
For dispatch to any address location in world, Tea is dispatched through DHL Express Cargo Service and is received within a maximum of 3-5 working days. Through DHL we can easily dispatch the Tea in any place across all the nations and we shall also provide the Patient with the waybill of Parcel soon after dispatch so that the movement of Parcel can be checked on the DHL website.
Within India, Medicine Parcels are dispatched through DTDC Courier Service / Speed Post Service and its received at address in maximum of 2-5 working days. 

Costing of Medicine : For details on Costing and Dispatch Please do send us an email at AsmiConsultancyHerbals@gmail.commentioning your City and Country or call at our Helpline in India : +91 - 98961 - 72224  /  +91 - 98962 - 17248  /  +91 - 184 - 4030246
We shall be in regular touch with you over phone / email through out the entire course of treatment. 


Contact Person : Mr PAUL HARRISON 
175, Forest Road, Coalville, Leicestershire, LE67 3SP, United Kingdom

Please do send an email to Dr. Amit Nakra for all details regarding dispatching the Parcel of Fagonia cretica Tea, Organic Turmeric Powder, Wheatgrass & Giloy Tablet, Organic Spirulina POwder and Holy Basil Tablets at your address.


Contact Person : Mr. TSITSKIEV ALIKHAN
Russia, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Nalchik 360017, str Baisultanova, 8, Office 29

Email :

Phone : +7 928 716 02 87


Contact Person : Dr. AMIT NAKRA 
1974, Near Community Center, Sector - 7, Urban Estate, Karnal (Haryana), INDIA


Phone :  +91 - 98961 - 72224  /  +91 - 184  -  4030246

Please do send an email or call on above Phone No for all details regarding dispatching the Parcel of Fagonia cretica Tea, Organic Turmeric Powder, Organic Wheatgrass & Giloy Tablet, Organic Spirulina Powder and Holy Basil Tablets at your address.

Call on +91 - 98961 - 72224 or send an Email at
for any Queries related to Purchase / Buying Information
and we shall also share with you Clinical Success Stories of Fagonia cretica Tea.

Hospital Address -

Shree Ram Lane Welfare Society
Sector - 7
Urban Estate
Karnal - 132001

Helpline : (24 * 7 Customer Care)

If Dialing from Outside of India: +91 - 98961 - 72224  /  +91 - 184 - 4030246

If Dialing from within India: (0) 98961 - 72224  /  0184 - 4030246

Email :

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Dietary and Lifestyle Regimen recommended for Cancer Patients



A 2001 review article published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that flavonoids appear to to play a role in angiogenesis inhibition. In 2004, scientists studied the effects of following listed food items on angiogenesis and concluded that these natural food items possess anti-angiogenic properties. Catechin, a flavanoid in these has been found to inhibit angiogenesis in breast cancer tumours. The jury is clearly in favour of diet rich in plant foods.

The concept of anti-angiogenic diet for cancer of tumour prevention is based on the fact that tumours require blood vessels to grow and cannot progress without blood supply. One can prevent the growth of these undesirable blood vessels by starving them through dietary components in plant foods. These include flavanoids found in following naturally occuring plant foods and we sincerely recommend you to include these in your diet with committment.
These anti-angiogenic foods are -

Our Medicine Parcel for patients of Cancer are having the following contents -

1) Fagonia cretica Tea
2) Organic Holy Basil Tablets (included as Free)
3) Organic Wheatgrass and Giloy Tablets (included as Free)
4) Organic Turmeric Powder (included as Free)
5) Organic Spirulina Powder (included as Free)

Along with above 4 Herbal Medicines, following documentation too shall be enclosed in the Parcel for easy reference of patient -
• Copy of Authentication Certificate of FAGONIA CRETICA issued by ARI (Govt of India)
• Diet Regimen to be followed by Patients of Cancer
• Method of Intake of all the Herbal Medicines
• Copy of Organic Certification of Products


Recent studies from the University of California, San Diego, published in the British Journal, NATURE, have discovered a molecule called RANKL ,found in aggressive breast cancer cells that predicts more deadly, lethal and life threatening disease. The findings from these recent studies suggests that drugs that block RANKL may be effective in preventing both the early stages of breast cancer and the advanced progression of the disease. Research has also shown that Curcumin, the active ingredient in the common spice,Tumeric, has properties that also reduce the expression of these deadly molecules within cancer cells and can potentially slow the spread of breast cancer.

Breast Cancer is not one disease. There are actually many breast cancers. When a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer, the tumor cells in her body must be analyzed in order to understand the nature of her unique disease. Some cancer cells are more aggressive and fast growing. Some cancer cells are sleepy, slow growing and less dangerous.

It is the presence of these more aggressive cancer cells that predicts that the breast cancer will spread to other parts of the body through a process called metastasis. Metastasis kills. Cancer patients rarely die from the primary tumor, the site where the cancer originates in the body. Breast cancer patients typically die from cancer that has spread or metastasized to other parts of the body, debilitating the function of vital organs such as the liver, lungs or brain. When breast cancer cells are aggressive and able to spread throughout the body, long term survival is threatened. Identifying agents that stop or slow the spread of disease through these mechanisms can stop or slow the spread of cancer and save lives.This new research demonstrates that when a protein molecule called RANKL (Receptor Activated Nuclear Factor Kappa Ligand) is present in breast cancer cells in high amounts, these tumor cells are more activated, more aggressive and more likely to spread, more likely to kill. RANKL is produced by regulatory T-Cells that modulate our immune response. High levels of these T-cells means high levels of RANKL, high levels of inflammation and aggressive high risk disease.

Blocking tumor promoting RANKL can block the spread of breast cancer cells to other parts of the body. The good news is that there is alternative cancer answer available now without a prescription, the natural substance Curcumin, derived from tumeric that can lower inflammation, lower RANKL, lower risk. It is recognized as a potent cell protectant, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. Tumeric has been used for centuries to support cancer patients in Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine and Indian Ayurvedic Medicine. Now modern science demonstrates why it works. Curcumin has been shown to influence many cellular factors, including lowering RANKL.

Curcumin has been shown to decrease RANKL in tumor cells. Curcumin can block RANKL as well as other inflammatory and tumor promoting molecules in cells (COX-2, LOX-5, MMP2,TNFa, NFKbEGFR, HER2, bFGF, TGF-B1, and VEGF.) Tumeric is found in many herbal formulas for the prevention and treatment of cancer.
Countries such as India in which tumeric is frequently consumed in the daily diet have lower rates of many cancers including prostate cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer. Tumeric can be safely added to your food as a cooking spice to add anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-cancer properties to your daily diet.


What not to eat by a Patient of Breast Cancer

1) Vegetable oils
Hydrogenated vegetable oils which are high in trans-fats increase the levels of oxidation in the body and are considered unhealthy for cancer patients.

2) Sugar and sweets
Women who consume sweets and sugar in excess may worsen their breast cancer. Consumption of sugar increases blood glucose levels, forcing the body to release insulin. This could result in higher levels of estrogen and encourage the development of cancer cells. Sugar is nothing but empty calories which rapidly increase body weight, tilting the body-mass index for the worse and making it harder for the body to fight against breast cancer. So reduce your consumption of foods made with sugar.

3) Processed meat / red meat and all kinds of Non Vegetarian Food
Processed red meat and other type of meat containing preservatives may increase the levels of oxidation, boosting the growth of cancer cells. Limit your intake of processed and red meat as much as possible; prefer plant food / Vegetarian instead.

4) High-Fat Dairy products
Many high-fat dairy products contain increased estrogen levels. Some cattle have higher levels of estrogenic hormones that are passed on to you through fat present in milk and milk products. Their consumption may strengthen the development of breast cancer, so choose low-fat or no-fat dairy products.

5) Alcohol
If you drink alcohol, limit your intake to one drink (not more than 5 ounces of wine or 12 ounces of beer) per day at the most. High amounts of alcohol make breast cancer more severe.


There is a study performed by AACR with regard the importance of inhaling fresh oxygen by a patient of Cancer and we are now sharing the same with all our patients for maximum health benefits. The study very strongly suggests that every patient of Cancer should go to a nearby park in the early morning hours and try to do deep breathing so that maximum fresh oxygen can be inhaled and it can raise the ratio of getting success against the disease by more than 80%. We are here sharing the text of the study as follows for your easy reference -

The brighter red the color of your blood, the more oxygen it carries. The darker its color, the less oxygen it carries - .

Arterial blood is generally a brighter red because it has recently passed through the lungs. Venous blood is generally a darker red because it has passed through the capillaries where the oxygen is transferred from the blood to the tissues.

"All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen - a rule without exception." - Dr. Otto Warburg

Deprive a cell 60% of its oxygen and it will turn cancerous. - McCabe. Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous. - Dr. Otto Warburg.

When the oxygen saturation of blood falls, conditions become ripe for the creation of cancer. Oxygen is removed from the arterial blood as it passes through the capillary system. If arterial blood is deficient in oxygen or if the blood flow is restricted by blocked arteries, then tissues oxygenated by the latter stages of the capillary system may be so deprived of oxygen as to become cancerous. Damage to the arteries also helps cancer spread throughout the body.

The oxygen transport system from the lungs to the cells can be interrupted at numerous points, so there are many opportunities to deny oxygen to cells. Also, there are many ways that cells and their mitochondria can be directly damaged, thereby reducing the cells' ability to utilize the oxygen that is available.

Basically, the blood needs to circulate quickly and contain plenty of red blood cells that are fully saturated with oxygen. Then the oxgen needs to transfer by osmosis to alkaline lymph, where it is picked up by cell membranes made of healthy fats. Then the oxygen is absorbed into cells that are free of carcinogens and full of the nutrients required for healthy cellular respiration. Now the study says -Inhale as much oxygen as you can so that cancer cells can be absolutely poisened to death because they cant surive in an oxygenated environment. Also the cells which are normal shall never turn cancerous if they get a good supply of fresh oxygen.





Below mentioned 5 Medicinal Herbs are recommended for Patients of Breast Cancer to enable a complete and successful remission -

Along with these 5 Herbal Medicines, following documentation too shall be enclosed in the Parcel for easy reference of patient -

 • Copy of Authentication Certificate of FAGONIA CRETICA issued by ARI (Govt of India)
 • Diet Regimen to be followed by Patients of Cancer
 • Method of Intake of all the Herbal Medicines
 • Copy of Organic Certification of Products

1) Fagonia cretica Tea - For Patients, daily dosage is 20 Gms per Day.

2) Organic Holy Basil Tablets 
- 1 tablet twice a day.

Holy Basil decreases tumorigenicity and metastasis of aggressive human Breast cancerous cells. Its a medically proven antioxidant which fights very effectively against Cancer. Holy Basil Tablets are always included in all our medicine parcel for the ease of patients.

3) Organic Wheatgrass and Giloy Tablets
 - 1 tablet twice a day.Role of Wheatgrass in Breast Cancer : Wheatgrass helps in building a strong immune system, and the key to killing cancer cells is oxygen. To lead an aggressive fight against cancer the body needs to produce more oxygen. Wheatgrass contains Chlorophyll, which is considered the "blood of plants". The molecular structure of chlorophyll is similar to that of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin transports oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Incorporating wheatgrass into the diet will help build and renew blood cells in the body and increase the oxygen available to fight the cancer cells. Chlorophyll and selenium also help build the immunity system. Furthermore, wheatgrass is one of the most alkaline foods known to mankind thus killing "cancer favoring envirnoment".

Role of Giloy in Breast Cancer : Tinospora cordifolia has incredible immune-boosting properties, and its one of the reasons why it is so effective against cancer. A strong immune system is better able to identify any cancerous cells and eliminate them before they have a chance to grown and spread. Tinospora contain a chemical called dichloromethane, which is known to poison and kill cancerous cells. Scientists have also found that Tinospora contain potent cancer-fighting antioxidants such as catalase, glutathione and superoxide dismutase thus enabling in the process of Remission with ease.

4) Organic Turmeric Powder
 - to be taken in the night as 2 Gms daily with 100 ML of Lukewarm (Almond Milk) / (Coconut Milk) / (any Fat Free Milk if both Almond and Coconut are not available).
With its cell-penetrating ability, Turmeric can cleanse the body at the most vital level to prevent cancers and protect tissues from damage imposed by cancer causing agents. It also prevents cancer cells from damaging DNA and reduces the side effects of chemotherapy.

5) Organic Spirulina Powder - It has to be taken as 2 Gms daily with Fresh 1 Glass of Water.

Spirulina is superior to plant proteins in that it is about 60% protein and is a complete protein. The fat content of Spirulina is loaded with the healthy fats like GLA , EPA, DHA and ALA, which are important Omega 3's. It is a super source of B vitamins, minerals and many beneficial pigments like beta carotene and chlorophyll.
Here is how Spirulina benefits a patient of Breast Cancer :

a) Stimulates Natural Killer Cells and prevents breast cancer cells from growing.
b) It has been used in light therapy to target and kill breast cancerous cells
c) Greatly reduces free radicals
d) Keeps Breast cancer cells in permanent remission
e) Suppresses tumor growth by suppressing new blood flow to the tumor
f) Enhances cellular uptake of trace minerals like selenium
g) Inhibits the growth of viruses like Epstein Barr

Although effective in killing cancerous cells, chemotherapeutic agents also induce kidney toxicity. Spirulina helped protect the kidneys from being damaged by cisplatin, in a study published in the December 2006 issue of "Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology." The scientists also noted that spirulina did not decrease the effectiveness of chemo medication so its good in alleviating the side effects of chemo as well and it works in sync with Fagonia cretica Tea.

 › We have been issued a "Commercial Authentication Certificate" from ARI, (Department of Science & Technology) Govt of India as displayed below and our Patients can be assured of being provided with the Best and most Authentic Quality of Fagonia cretica.

 › We have also been issued "Importer-Exporter Code" by Directorate General of ForeignTrade, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt of India for exporting Fagonia cretica Tea along with other herbs.

 › We have also tied up with "DHL as our Air Cargo Express & Logistics Partner " for comprehensive door-to-door services to over 120,000 destinations in more than 220 countries and territories.

Contact Person : Dr. AMIT NAKRA 

1974, Near Community Center, Sector - 7, Urban Estate, Karnal (Haryana), INDIA 


Phone :  +91 - 98961 - 72224  /  +91 - 184  -  4030246

Please do send an email or call on above Phone No for all details regarding dispatching the Parcel of Fagonia cretica Tea, Organic Turmeric Powder, Organic Wheatgrass & Giloy Tablet, Organic Spirulina Powder and Holy Basil Tablets at your address.

For any more details please visit -

Our Organization - ASMI AYURVEDA CONSULTANCY & HERBALS is serving the Breast Cancer Patients across the Globe with Honesty, Dedication and Committment in our efforts.

DHL Express Cargo ServiceWe dispatch our Shipment of Fagonia cretica Tea through DHL Express Cargo Service with committment and a definite time frame. We always provide our Patients with the Waybill of the Parcel, so that the movement of Parel can be tracked on Official Website of DHL.Through DHL, the patient gets regular updates in his / her email id every 12 hours regarding the transit of Parcel and also the Parcel is received at the destination in a maximum of 2-5 working days from the date of dispatch. 

For your confirmation, we can also provide you with the SHIPMENT WAYBILL of our all Parcels sent across various destinations across the world in your Email so You can proceed on to check any of the Waybill Reports on

Within India, we dispatch through DTDC Courier Service / Registered Speed Post Service and its reached at the destination within a maximum of 2 to 5 working days.